I can't believe October is gone and Thanksgiving is upon us. We've had a lot of fun and are truly grateful for the blessings God has given us--that Kelly is well, the kids are good and we have a great family, near and far. Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Jordan the Scout receiving his Tenderfoot rank and a couple of merit badges that he earned at the Scout Camp he attended over his birthday. He was pretty proud--can you tell? (We were proud of him too!)
Oh well, the children came out well!
This is Zalyi at her preschool's field trip to "The Great Pumpkin," which is what she called the pumpkin patch. (She's been watching Charlie Brown). She's standing next to her best friend, Hayley, and another pal, Andie. They each got to pick out two pumpkins and Zalyi chose hers with great care.
Xavier attacking his pumpkin. He found the biggest one he could carry and had to stand on the stool to be able to clean it out! We always have a jack-o-lantern carving party the Monday before Halloween. Here are the kids underneath their pumpkins and the scary, finished product.
The Bus Stop Gang Halloween morning. The kids get to wear their costumes all day.
Here's our three Trick-or-Treater's--a couple of tough football players and a scary cat. The kids trick-or-treat our neighborhood, which takes about 20 minutes because there are only 20 houses, and then we head off to a friend's house to gather candy there. George sat on the driveway with our friend Jim and passed out candy and I took the kids around. Their bags were pretty full in no time.